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Employee Spotlight: Mark Stammler, Consultant, Data Engineering

Lifecycle Management & Modernization, Digital Solutions, Data & Analytics, Logistics, Homeland Security
Professional photo of Mark Stammler

Mark Stammler, Data Engineering consultant, has experience that spans multiple service lines at LMI, starting as an intern in 2019 and most recently becoming a consultant supporting customers in the data operations service line. Learn about his accomplishments, what he enjoys about working at LMI, and his advice to early career professionals.

What are you responsible for as a Data Engineer at LMI?

I assist customers by taking data from multiple sources and transforming it into something that the customer can view in one central location. Data scientists can then use this data to create models to better answer customer questions.

How long have you been with LMI?

I have been with LMI for a little over three years. I’ve been working for about a year and a half as a full-time employee but started as an intern prior.

Why did you choose LMI?

My primary reason for working at LMI is the freedom to move around the organization. Even as an intern, I worked on multiple projects that spanned various service lines and contributed to two different sub-service lines since then. This freedom continues as I am approaching two completely new projects, growing skills I haven't been able to use or build on before. The relationships and support that I receive from my superiors is probably tied to the importance of my freedom to move around the company.

What aspect of your experience/expertise helps provide innovative solutions to customers?

My finance and cybersecurity double-major in college gave me a lot of knowledge that I have been able to apply to my projects. The skills I obtained through my internships and earned certificates allowed me to not only carry out the technical work, but also gave me the knowledge to understand problems and effectively communicate them to customers.

I see success as making a significant difference for the greater good not only in my life, but in the world itself. The great thing about government consulting is that I help solve problems both here in the U.S. and abroad.

What do you see as your greatest accomplishments, both professionally and personally?

I was given two promotions in a year and a half—analyst to senior analyst (7 months) to consultant (1 year). Earlier this year, I was also appointed chair of LMI’s Early Career Professionals affinity group.

Describe what success means to you.

I see success as making a significant difference for the greater good not only in my life, but in the world itself. The great thing about government consulting is that I help solve problems both here in the U.S. and abroad.

What’s the part of your job that makes you excited to come to work every day?

The industry that I am in has unique and difficult challenges that haven’t been taken on before. Being a part of projects that tackle unsolved challenges is the best part of working in a cutting-edge field.

What advice would you give to a recent graduate now that you are an early career professional?

Internships, and the relationships you build during those internships, are just as important as how well you do the work. Additionally, any opportunity you have to earn certificates/certifications makes all the difference. Basically, meet everyone you can and learn everything you can about what you want to do.

Internships, and the relationships you build during those internships, are just as important as how well you do the work.

Mark Stammler

Mark Stammler

Consultant, Data Engineering Meet Mark

Mark Stammler

Consultant, Data Engineering

Mark brings his expertise in data engineering and innovative technologies to his projects, advising customers in data operations.