

  • man sitting at desk working on data analytics

    LMI’s OpenPolicy™ is a semantic tool that examines scores of documents simultaneously using subject-specific thesauri of key terms, synonyms, acronyms, and other related terms and phrases. This enhanced vocabulary-based semantic search capability pinpoints relevant paragraphs and highlights information across databases.

How It Works

  • Robotic process automation. Our bots interact with semantic analysis capabilities and search for key words, phrases, counts, or fingerprints.
  • Semantic analysis. Our enhanced vocabulary-based semantic analysis uses natural language processing (NLP) to inform our search and pinpoints relevant words in paragraphs.
  • Automated and customized workflow. Automated workflows navigate, track, and record activities in a low-burden and transparent system. We record the user and date and time stamp for each activity and embed compliance checkpoints to ensure on-time completion of activities.
  • Analytic dashboards. We report program activities and milestones in a customizable dashboard using real-time data.
  • Cloud storage. While LMI can host OpenPolicy™, we recommend storage in a secure cloud and FedRAMP-compliant environment.
A collection of regulations, policy, rules, executive orders, and comments are fed into OpenPolicy. Semantic analysis of the collection produces partitioned search results from the collection, sorting those results into SME identified topics areas. The workflow receives these topic-based results which are then assigned for action by workflow stakeholders. Action item status is ultimately used to track work progress and populate dashboards/reports. All data is archived in the cloud.

Figure 1. LMI’s OpenPolicy™ provides efficient, automated, and smart workflows to support program management.


Our Expertise and Capabilities

Our collaborative approach supports a variety of user types, including contracting and federal staff, agency leadership, and clearance reviewers. With appropriate permissions, we can accommodate a single sign-on credential with government personal identity verification cards. Agency-specific workflows use commercial off-the-shelf programs and a graphical interface that does not require coding skills. OpenPolicy™ supports multiple integration approaches, including application programming interfaces, web services, and a full integration framework.

  • Machine learning and NLP methods load and parse content quickly.
  • Automated, transparent workflows manage activities in real-time and support transparency, with all activities date stamped and assignments and subject matter experts listed.
  • Customizable digital thesauri enable complex semantic analysis using artificial intelligence and NLP methods to match and group content, reducing search time by more than 90 percent.
  • Analytic dashboards report activities to enable measurable progress and program compliance. OpenPolicy™ dashboards support multiple user types with no code or low-code customizable views.

Meaningful Results

  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of Information Technology, Social Security Number Removal Initiative

    LMI used OpenPolicy™ to find and remove requirements for social security numbers from CMS and Social Security Administration claim sets, regulations, program guidance, and other documents—approximately 50,000 pages in total. Our policy staff analyzed the OpenPolicy™ content and recommended word replacements and more comprehensive changes to the text. We added current content to OpenPolicy™ and upgraded the supporting computer code base, improving an Atlassian Jira tool to support new workflows, dashboards, and status report queries.

  • U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics (ODASD Logistics)

    Using OpenPolicy™, LMI quickly and easily uncovered policy issuances affecting ODASD, displaying the results within paragraphs for context. To enable a comprehensive search capability, the ODASD Logistics thesaurus contained 3,850 related terms and phrases specific to the defense logistics and supply chain domains. LMI hosts the ODASD Logistics document collection of 170 publications with 726 documents and 150,000 paragraphs of text, tables, and graphics. OpenPolicy™ serves near instantaneous search results to scores of government and contractor policy analysts, furnishing a rank-ordered portfolio of documents and publications.

<h2>Let OpenPolicy™ Lead You to Knowledge</h2>

Let OpenPolicy™ Lead You to Knowledge

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Gus Creedon

Gus Creedon

Principal Technical Advisor, Systems Engineering Meet Gus

Gus Creedon

Principal Technical Advisor, Systems Engineering