Textural Element

Military Readiness

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  • Nutritional Health Application user interface mobile mockups
    Innovation at the Pace of Need™

    Forge™ Technology Studio: Case Studies

    Learn how the Forge™ - LMI's technology studio - builds scalable agile technology to rapidly deliver sophisticated technical solutions to our customers with our case studies.

  • Forge Hero
    Innovation at the Pace of Need™

    LMI Forge™ Technology Studio: Use Cases

    Navigate Forge™ solutions addressing specific use cases. 

  • Naval ship
    What We Do

    Contested Logistics Decision Dominance

    Leveraging DoD data, LMI’s technology accelerator, the Forge™, uses agile methods and human-centered design to rapidly create solutions like our Contested Logistics Engine and Logistics Awareness Artificial Intelligence (AI) Simulation prototype for dynamic logistics planning in contested environments. 

  • COVID-19 virus close up

    Redefining Business Optimization in the COVID Era

    In a world beset by pandemic and climate risks, resiliency has become a defining virtue of business operations.   

  • Sinclair Harris

    Creating a More Robust Military Readiness

    Of the many daunting and persistent challenges to our nation’s military, few are more complex or important than maintaining readiness of our forces.

  • A worker using a scanner to check inventory

    Enabling Disaster Preparedness in Global Health

    Nations and philanthropic organizations struggle to deal with a growing number of climatologically driven disasters. Transportation and distribution of critically needed supplies has become more of a challenge as many areas deal with aging infrastructure and roads that only exacerbate the problems when disaster strikes. Governments and institutions need predictive analysis to get ahead of the problem.