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Showing 19 - 21 of 21
  • Image of stat sheet, pen, and calculator.

    Exciting Results Behind the Scenes of Account Reconciliation

    LMI's Financial Operations and Accountability practice area has produced exciting results for the General Services Administration's National Rent Bill Office through our highly effective account reconciliation process.

  • blue and orange glowing circle
    Innovation at the Pace of Need™

    Forge™ Technology Studio: Prototypes

    Our prototypes are shaping the nation of next. From developing a wearable integrated sensor platform (WISP) that drives decision-making to shaping solutions that streamline supply chains like LogSmart™ Supply, our work at the edge of possible reimagines mission capability. 

  • Floating up arrows

    Managing Up to Achieve Success for You, Your Supervisor, and Your Organization

    No matter your level, managing up is a soft skill that’s essential for getting things done, succeeding at your job, or getting promoted. Thousands of books have been written on this topic because our individual success not only depends on how well we do our jobs, or how we collaborate with our colleagues, or even how good we are at managing people under our own supervision, but also on how well we manage our relationships with the people above us. Easier said than done, right? That may be true, but there are several things you can do to help.