Engage with LMI thought leaders as they present timely insights, research and innovation, company news, culture stories, and perspectives on a variety of issues and topics.
Innovation at the Pace of Need™
Next-Level Program Management with Master Scheduling
Advanced programs have diverse milestones and end goals. Executives require an abstract, high-level summary of these elements while analysts need concrete, actionable details. A well-engineered and tailored schedule enables all stakeholders to access the appropriate information to achieve mission success.
Three Ways ARPA-H Can Succeed as a New and Agile Organization
The president’s budget calls for a DARPA-like organization for discovering the most innovative and effective treatments for major diseases.
Innovation at the Pace of Need™
Toward a Comprehensive and Robust Synthetic Data Policy
This workshop sought to broaden the conversation toward a comprehensive synthetic data policy that would advance, empower, and protect our government as synthetic data is increasingly used.
Innovation at the Pace of Need™
Three Considerations for VA and DHA Digital Transformation
The transformation will improve organizations and patient outcomes. LMI experts have been strategic partners throughout other large-scale digital transformations and offer insights to help these projects succeed.
Changes to Construction Permits for Projects near Bodies of Water
If you have construction projects taking place near or in any bodies of water, you urgently need to evaluate your project plan. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced reauthorization of the Nationwide Permits (NWPs), which could impact construction projects in progress or soon to be underway.
Culture News
Employee Spotlight: Karen LeDoux
We sat down with Karen LeDoux, Vice President of Military Health & VA. Read on to hear about her experience with LMI.
Risk Management in an Agile World
Coupled with its Performance Optimization Line of Business, LMI uses Risk Management to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations and operations. If your organization is looking to better integrate Project and Risk Management activities within your specific Agile environment, LMI’s team of Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) subject matter experts can help.
Culture News
Employee Spotlight: Meet Katherine Coles
Katherine is passionate about helping leaders and teams build inclusive cultures and achieve organizational goals.
Government Property Management
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of meticulous government property management.
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